Krishna Gopal 100% pure village cow desi ghee
100% homemade no machinery used.

Krishna Gopal 100% pure village cow desi ghee

Proudly presenting India’s No.1 best Sudh desi ghee at the best price possible. Our expertise in making desi ghee from generation to generation made us confident enough to offer you 100% money-back guarantee at the cost of ₹2100, at the desi ghee price 1kg​.
But good news for you on the starting day, we are offering you desi ghee price 1kg at ₹1700 only.
Special offer price – ₹1700/1 KG
No return policy. Cash on delivery Available.

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Only Rs 49/- Extra

Why is our desi ghee price 1kg​ different from other brands available?

Ok, you may have noticed that, while you are comparing Krishna Gopal pure desi ghee price 1kg with other available brands 1kg desi ghee price like, a2 desi cow gheeamul desi gheepatanjali desi gheesifti desi gheeverka desi ghee and ashtavinayak desi ghee​ , many more.

Sometimes our 1kg desi ghee price is low from some brands and sometimes it’s high from some brands. So here is our transparent explanation behind our  1kg desi ghee pricing. 

First of all, we collect excellent quality pure village cow milk (not jersey cow) from a limited number of independent villagers at the best price for them. 

Then, using our decades-old expertise, we make the finest quality pure desi ghee. That’s it—now our desi ghee is ready to be delivered to you.

Why is our desi ghee price 1kg lower than some brands? 

As you know now we don’t have any heavy machinery and labors to pay. And we keep our packaging simple while maintaining the extraordinary quality of our desi ghee. Considering our  other cost cuttings, simple packaging and minimal profit in hand we can sell you our Pure desi ghee at Rs 2100 per kg.

Why is our desi ghee price high from some brands? 

Trust me I don’t get it either. I saw some brands offering 1kg desi ghee at so cheap price. Since I am small seller who sells in local areas and finally decided to show whole India “What we call a fine quality desi ghee” and i tried to keep the price as low as possible. And finally set a price which is win-win for all but don’t know how they can sell it so cheap.

It may be the large production factor. Or something else.

How to check desi ghee purity and quality at home?

In this era of adulteration its hard to differentiate between Pure desi ghee and a regular desi ghee. Its hard to trust any desi ghee supplier when its come to desi ghee online purchase where u cant touch, smell or taste. So here is the ultimate guide to differentiate between Pure desi ghee and a regular desi ghee by just seeing the image of desi ghee when buy desi ghee online.

Desi ghee texture say a lot about its quality and purity. So before buy desi ghee online pay attention to its texture. A high quality desi ghee color will be deep gold. It will be more in liquid (not too much liquid) form with smooth granule texture not looks like some cream.

The texture of Pure desi ghee will look like above photo. Now you can choose a high quality Cow desi ghee by just seeing images. So keep the tip in mind when you buy desi ghee online. 

Some people also looks for cheapest desi ghee online to purchase. Which will be big no for you when you are looking for 100% pure high quality desi ghee you may end up with compromising the quality. 

 So be smart and take an informed decision while purchase desi ghee online.

Best Brands to buy desi ghee online

There are thousands of brands who offers Desi ghee online for purchase but out of them here are some well-known ghee brands which is trending in online ghee market currently due to their authenticity and quality with positive customer feed backs – a2 desi cow gheeamul desi gheepatanjali desi gheesifti desi gheeverka desi ghee and ashtavinayak desi ghee​ many more.

So lets take a quick overview of these brands. Cough Cough, Trust me i don’t like to talk about other brands in Our krishna gopal desi ghee product page. But i have to do it for you. So that you can make better decision while purchase desi ghee online.

A2 desi cow ghee:

Until now the most popular Desi ghee online purchase option is a2 desi ghee. a2 desi ghee is well-known for its rich flavor and purity with a very reasonable price range. 

A2 desi ghee price 1kg is around 2600-2700 Rs. Price may differ according to which packaging you are purchasing.

They offer a Glass jar and plastic jars for A2 desi ghee 1L or 500ML. 

Amul desi ghee:

I think i don’t need to tell much about Amul  that you already know. Amul not only make Desi ghee they are already wel established in dairy products. 

So as we trust Amul brand we hope the Amul desi ghee is up to mark in quality and purity.

Amul desi ghee 1kg price damn i am pretty surprised by their pricing line ups.  Literally Amul desi ghee 1 liter starting from 750 Rs .! I am Surprised. As is A2 desi ghee amul also provides different types of packaging like Tin, Paper box etc.

Patanjali desi ghee:

Ok, get ready for another surprising price range for Patanjali desi ghee 1kg price. Hola, its 600rs- 700rs per Desi ghee litter. Yes, you are right it’s Desi ghee price 1kg.

Sifti desi ghee:

Here is another desi ghee option available online in the price range of Rs 600- Rs 700 per liter. Sifti desi ghee claims to be 100% pure desi ghee.

Verka desi ghee:

Verka desi ghee is most popular in Punjab state and available for online purchase on Amazon, Jiomart, Blinkit and big basket.

Verka desi ghee 1kg price is around Rs600 – Rs 700.

Ashtavinayak desi ghee:

Ashtavinayak desai ghee have two variant of Desi ghee, Cow desi ghee and Baffalo desi gheeashtavinayak a2 desi ghee is most popular right now among the ghee lovers. For give you better insight here is ashtavinayak a2 desi buffalo ghee price Rs 850 and ashtavinayak a2 desi cow ghee price Rs 300 per liter.

Ashtavinayak A2 Desi Ghee available on Bharat organics official website.


As you can see we have discussed about most popular brands for desi ghee in India. And you have noticed price difference between brand to brand.

 Now you may have a question, why there are such fluctuations in price.

Here is some cause for it.

  1. All of the low-priced desi ghee may not be offering pure desi cow ghee. Some of them may be selling buffalo ghee or jersey cow ghee
  2. Price can be low for the reason of larger production. And large farming of cows or buffalos.
  3. and last the quality of desi ghee.

Now we want to inform you that we didn’t visited each brands manufacturing sites we gathered the product information through online portals and customer reviews available online. So we cant say anything confidently about other brands. 

But what we can do is. Confidently present our Krishna Gopal village cow desi ghee to you with 100% purity guarantee. Am I emphasizing my own product? No, not at all. I can only assure you for now that Krishna Gopal village cow desi ghee is with 100% honesty. Now it’s up to you until you try it, you won’t know. So I will encourage you to try it once. And leave a review of your honest experience.

Key benefits of desi ghee

Desi ghee called clarified butter in English, known as Super food or Liquid Gold for some reasons. Apart from the enhancement of your cooking dishes with rich flavor. Desi ghee has numerous health benefits. From digestion, Weight gain, Brain health, to skin care. Desi ghee has the magic power to boost your wellbeing. I think you already know the power of desi ghee. But still, we will take a brief look at key benefits of desi ghee.

Desi ghee improves Digestion

Desi Ghee contains butyric acid, which helps to improve gut health by nourishing the intestinal lining. It enhances digestion, reduces bloating, and prevents constipation by lubricating the digestive tract.

Boosts Immunity

Full with antioxidants and fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K), Desi Ghee boosts the immune system naturally. Helps our body to fight with diseases.

Improves heart health

Since Desi ghee contains omega-3 and fatty acids, moderate consumption of desi ghee can improve heart health. Not only that desi ghee reduces bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol. and reduces the risk of heart disease.

Desi ghee improves brain Function

According to Ayurveda, daily consumption of Desi ghee in a moderate amount.  It helps to improves our brain functionality. And increase memory  and reduces stress. Very Helpful for students.

Helpful in weight loss and weight gain

People who struggling to gain some weight or losing weight should consider high-quality desi ghee in their meal routine. Cause Desi Ghee contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which helps in reducing stubborn belly fat and improving metabolism. Unlike unhealthy fats. And if someone is underweight, then the same properties help to achieve normal weight. So its helpful for both weight loss and weight gain.

Helpful for Skincare & Haircare

The natural Moisturizing property of desi ghee helps to treat dry skin, chapped lips, and cracked heels. Applying warm Desi Ghee to the scalp nourishes hair roots, improves hair growth, and prevents dandruff.

So now we know why desi ghee called liquid gold or super food. Without a doubt this superfood is recommended for kids to old and daily hustlers to athletes.

So don’t waste time, just have a jar of pure desi ghee in your home today. 

Get 19% Off On Your First Purchase!

Frequently Asked Questions About Desi Ghee

While purchasing desi ghee online, you may face some doubts and you may have some questions in mind to be answered. So, in this section, let’s cover some Frequently Asked Questions About Desi Ghee.

F&Q about Purchasing desi ghee from

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions About buying desi ghee from inline.

What are the selling units in

On, we sell a big jar desi ghee with a measurement unit of kilograms. And a small jar in the Litter unit. Currently we are selling 1kg and 450ML desi ghee jar.

Is this cow ghee or buffalo ghee?

We are only selling pure village cow desi desi ghee.

Is this desi cow ghee or jersey cow?

Krishna gopal desi ghee is made from 100% village cow milk, not Jersey cow.

Can I return desi ghee purchased from

Sorry, Unfortunately NO. Currently it is not possible to offer a return refund for us.

How many days does it take to receive my delivery at home purchased from

Usually it takes 5-8 days to arrive at home.

Other F&Q about desi ghee.

What is desi ghee?

Desi ghee is a type of clarified butter made from cow or buffalo milk. It’s widely used for Cooking, Diet, and some Ayurveda health benefits.

What is desi ghee called in English?

Desi ghee is known as “clarified butter” in English.

Is desi ghee good for health?

Yes, no doubt about it, desi ghee is rich in healthy fats, vitamins A, D, E, and K, and has anti-inflammatory properties. However, desi ghee should be consumed in moderation.

Does desi ghee increase cholesterol?

Desi ghee contains saturated fats, which can increase cholesterol levels if consumed in excess. However, moderate intake may contribute to good heart health.

Is desi ghee good for weight loss?

Yes, when consumed in moderation, desi ghee can aid in weight loss by improving metabolism and digestion.

Does desi ghee make you fat?

Overconsumption can contribute to weight gain due to its high-calorie content.

Is desi ghee good for the heart?

It can be beneficial in small amounts, but excessive intake may not be suitable for individuals with heart conditions.

Does desi ghee contain trans fat?

No, pure desi ghee does not contain trans fat.

Is desi ghee better than butter?

Yes, desi ghee is considered healthier than regular butter because it is free from milk solids and contains beneficial fatty acids.

How many calories are in desi ghee?

One tablespoon of desi ghee contains approximately 120 calories.

How much protein is in desi ghee?

Desi ghee contains negligible protein as it is primarily composed of fat.

How much cholesterol is in desi ghee?

One tablespoon of desi ghee contains around 33mg of cholesterol.

 Is desi ghee saturated or unsaturated fat?

 Desi ghee is primarily composed of saturated fats but also contains some monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

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